Die CEOs von Snap, Meta, X und TikTok haben vor dem US-Senatsausschuss für Justiz ausgesagt, um Maßnahmen gegen die Verbreitung von Kinderpornografie auf ihren Plattformen zu diskutieren. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO von Meta, verteidigte die positiven Auswirkungen von Social Media auf die psychische Gesundheit und bekräftigte Metas Vorschlag zur Altersverifizierung im App Store. Linda Yaccarino, CEO von X, betonte die Nulltoleranzpolitik und das automatisierte Meldesystem von X zur Bekämpfung der sexuellen Ausbeutung von Kindern. Evan Spiegel, CEO von Snapchat, betonte den datenschutzorientierten Ansatz der Plattform. Shou Zi Chew, CEO von TikTok, erläuterte die Investitionen der Plattform in Vertrauen und Sicherheit. Die Senatoren kritisierten die Plattformen und forderten Änderungen an Abschnitt 230, der soziale Apps vor Haftung für von Benutzern generierte Inhalte schützt. Bedenken wurden hinsichtlich der Schutzressourcen von Meta, dem reduzierten Personal von X und der Rolle von Snapchat im Zusammenhang mit Drogenaktivitäten geäußert. Die Anhörung verdeutlichte die fortlaufenden Bemühungen großer Plattformen, Bedenken zur Kindersicherheit anzugehen.

While acknowledging the need to protect children from harmful content, Zuckerberg emphasized the importance of striking a balance between safety measures and maintaining the positive aspects of social media. He stated that Meta is investing heavily in machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to enhance content moderation and remove harmful content from their platforms.

Regarding age verification, Zuckerberg mentioned that Meta has been in discussions with app store providers to develop a system that would verify users‘ ages before granting access to social media platforms. This would help prevent underage users from accessing age-inappropriate content. He also discussed potential collaborations with external organizations to improve safety measures and educate users about digital wellbeing.

Jack Dorsey’s Focus on Open Internet and Platform Responsibility

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of X, highlighted the importance of an open internet and platform responsibility during his testimony. He stressed that platforms should be transparent about their rules and policies and that users should have control over the content they see. Dorsey stated that X is committed to providing users with tools to customize their content experience and filter out potentially harmful or offensive material.

Dorsey also discussed the need for industry-wide collaboration to address the challenges of content moderation. He proposed the creation of an open-source algorithm that would enable developers to collectively work on solutions for detecting and removing harmful content. This approach would foster innovation and ensure a more effective response to emerging issues.

Evan Spiegel’s Focus on Privacy and User Safety

Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Snap, emphasized the importance of privacy and user safety during the hearing. He described Snap’s commitment to safeguarding user data and ensuring that privacy is a top priority. Spiegel highlighted Snap’s proactive measures, such as implementing machine learning algorithms and human moderation teams to prevent the spread of harmful content on their platform.

Spiegel also discussed Snap’s efforts in educating users about responsible digital citizenship and online safety. He mentioned collaborations with organizations focused on mental health and digital wellness to create resources and tools for users to navigate the digital world safely.

Kevin Mayer’s Addressing of Moderation Challenges on TikTok

Kevin Mayer, the CEO of TikTok, addressed the challenges of content moderation and user safety on the platform. He acknowledged the concerns raised by senators and reassured them of TikTok’s commitment to addressing those concerns. Mayer highlighted TikTok’s use of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to detect and remove harmful content.

Mayer also discussed TikTok’s efforts to enhance transparency and accountability by allowing external audits of their content moderation practices. He mentioned collaborations with industry partners, including safety organizations and nonprofits, to improve user safety and educate users about responsible platform use.

Community Reaction and Official Responses

The Senate hearing sparked diverse reactions from the public and online communities. Some expressed skepticism about the CEOs‘ testimonies, questioning the efficacy of their proposed solutions and calling for stronger measures to protect children online. Others appreciated the platforms‘ commitments to addressing the issue and welcomed their proactive efforts.

Official responses from the platforms included statements reiterating their dedication to improving safety measures and collaborating with external stakeholders. Meta and X emphasized the importance of user control and open collaboration, while Snap and TikTok highlighted their focus on privacy, content moderation, and user education.


The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing provided an opportunity for the CEOs of Snap, Meta, X, and TikTok to address concerns about child exploitation content on their platforms. Each CEO presented their platforms‘ efforts in enhancing safety and combating harmful content. The hearing shed light on the challenges of content moderation and the importance of collaboration between platforms and external stakeholders. Moving forward, it is essential for these platforms to continually evaluate and strengthen their safety measures to ensure the well-being of their user communities.
