
LinkedIn Shares New Insights into How Auto Brands are Driving Success with LinkedIn Ads [Infographic]

LinkedIn Shares New Insights into How Auto Brands are Driving Success with LinkedIn Ads [Infographic]

LinkedIn: The Surprising Platform for Auto Brands

LinkedIn may not be the first platform you think of when it comes to car sales, but according to a new study by Nielsen for LinkedIn, auto brands are doing well on this business-focused site. In fact, shifting more of their media mix to LinkedIn can improve both brand awareness and dollar sales.

Study Results: The Power of LinkedIn Ads for Auto Brands

Based on analysis of two years of LinkedIn ad data across a range of auto brands, Nielsen found that LinkedIn outperforms other major social platforms and traditional media channels in driving brand awareness and dollar sales. Here are some of the key findings:

LinkedIn is 3X more effective at driving auto dollar sales

Compared to linear TV and other major social platforms, LinkedIn is three times more likely to drive auto dollar sales. Even online video is only half as effective.

LinkedIn is 2X times more effective at driving brand awareness

Compared to traditional TV, display, and other major social platforms, LinkedIn is twice as likely to drive brand awareness. This makes it a valuable consideration for auto brand marketers looking to reach a professional audience.

LinkedIn is 4X more efficient at driving dollar sales

Compared to traditional media channels, LinkedIn advertising is four times more efficient at driving dollar sales. This makes it a powerful tool for auto brands looking to boost their marketing ROI.

Why LinkedIn Works for Auto Brands

One reason LinkedIn is effective for auto brands is because many auto buyers are professionals. These individuals may be more likely to be concerned with building their professional presence and outside perceptions, including the car they drive. Additionally, LinkedIn offers a unique targeting capability that allows auto brands to reach specific audiences based on demographics, job titles, and more.

LinkedIn Infographic: More Insights into Auto Brands and LinkedIn Ads

Want more insights into how auto brands are using LinkedIn ads to drive success? Check out the infographic below from LinkedIn:

LinkedIn Infographic: Auto Brands and Ads
Source: LinkedIn


LinkedIn may not be the first platform you think of for auto brands, but it’s clear from the Nielsen study that it can be a powerful tool for driving brand awareness and dollar sales. Auto brands can leverage LinkedIn’s unique targeting capabilities to reach a professional audience that values their car as part of their outside perception. If you’re an auto brand marketer, it’s worth considering adding LinkedIn to your media mix to improve your marketing ROI.
